Team > Dr. Samwel Moses Ntapanta

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social and Cultural Anthropology with focus on Africa
Samwel Moses Ntapanta is a Senior Research Associate at the Chair for Social and Cultural Anthropology with a focus on Africa. He holds a PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Oslo, Norway MScs in Human Security from Aarhus University, Denmark and a BA in Political Science and Sociology from the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Currently, Samwel is working on the convergencies of East African urbanism, its link to globalisation, consumption and discarding of electronic and electric devices (e-waste). He is following global and local electronic waste (e-waste) flows, the influence of the electronics market to technospheres of repairing, reusing and repurposing. The assemblages of labour, ethnicity, kinship, care and solidarity arise and toxicity lifeworlds entangled with e-waste.
Before joining the University of Bayreuth, Samwel was part of the Anthropology of Toxicity (Anthrotox) project, one of the convergence multi-disciplinary research projects funded by UiO: Life Science. The project brought together social anthropologists, historians and STS scholars, environmental toxicologists, and chemists to understand how environmental, social and political-economic processes shape flows and impacts of toxicants across societies and ecosystems and to contribute to public debate, policy processes and remedial action.
Samwel's Master thesis, "Let there be Light: Women's Participation in Solar Light Technology and Its Agency to Women's Empowerment and Social change in rural Zanzibar, " continues his engagement on the intersection between the environment, technology and society. This engagement is influenced by his work before joining Aarhus University. Samwel was worked with several civil societies organisation in areas of environment and activism. Some projects he was involved in include campaigning against dynamite fishing off the coast of Dar es Salaam, climate change information dissemination and campaign under Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and stop the Serengeti Highway. Samwel held the post of secretary for two civil society coalitions; The Mazingira Network- a network of NGOs in Tanzania working on environmental issues and the Oil and Gas Coalition network working to monitor ecological impacts of oil and gas projects in Tanzania as well as livelihoods of communities affected by the projects. Samwel also spent one year in Egypt in 2012, between the two revolutions, training youth NGOs in Cairo and Al-Fayoum on advocacy and campaigning.
Detailed CV including teaching and research experience: on request.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social and Cultural Anthropology with focus on Africa
The intersection between urbanism, technology, infrastructures, environment, waste, labour and kinship
East Africa, Tanzania
African cities are the fastest-growing cities in the World. The growth comes with immense challenges; infrastructure, social services, crime, waste, and pollution, a few to mention. However, African urban dwellers continue to make a livelihood and create impeccable ways to enjoy, survive and thrive with these challenges. With its rigorous ethnographic methods, anthropology allows me to spend extended periods with my urban collaborators, share those challenges with them, and provide a platform to think together, write together and forge the future of the anthropology of African cities, policies and solutions to the problems they face.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social and Cultural Anthropology with focus on Africa
Ntapanta, Samwel Moses
Let there be Light : Frontiers of techno-Solar Capitalism
In: Allegra Lab
. September 2023 ...
Ntapanta, Samwel Moses
Polarized Cityscapes : Gathering Electronic Waste and Its Malcontents in Dar es Salaam
In: Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift Bd. 33 (2023) Heft 3-4. - S. 227-243
doi:10.18261/nat.33.3-4.4 ...
Ntapanta, Samwel Moses
Anthropology does not need to decolonise to make sense of conflicts in today's polarised world
In: Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift Bd. 33 (2022) Heft 2. - S. 159-162
doi:10.18261/nat.33.2.7 ...
Ntapanta, Samwel Moses
Faça-se Luz: Luz, Esperança e o Supérfulo : a Vida Social e os Efeitos da Energia e das Tecnolo ...
Aura : Luz de Presença
Queluz : Criaatividade Cósmica - Associacao Cultural, 2022. - S. 775-789
Ntapanta, Samwel Moses
Gathering the African Technosphere : Electronic Waste Assemblages in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Contested Ecologies 2 : African Environmental Governance Struggles
Cape Town : HSRC Press, 2022
Ntapanta, Samwel Moses
The Rail that Changed the Land : the Spirit of the Colonial Rail in Tanzania
Everyday Affects of Ecological Globalization
Aarhus : Aarhus University, 2022
Nipen, Maja; Vogt, Rolf David; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Borgå, Katrine; Mwakalapa, Eliezer Brown; Borgen, Anders Røsrud; Jørgensen, Susanne Jøntvedt; Ntapanta, Samwel Moses; Mmochi, Aviti John; Schlabach, Martin; Breivik, Knut
Spatial trends of chlorinated paraffins and dechloranes in air and soil in a tropical urban, su ...
In: Environmental Pollution Bd. 292, Part A (2022)
doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118298 ...
Ntapanta, Samwel Moses
President Samia Can Ignore New Constitution At Her Peril
In: The Chanzo
13. Juli 2021
Ntapanta, Samwel Moses
"Lifescaping" toxicants : Locating and living with e‐waste in Tanzania
In: Anthropology Today Bd. 37 (2021) Heft 4. - S. 7-10
doi:10.1111/1467-8322.12663 ...
Ntapanta, Samwel Moses; Medaas, Christian
Who cares? Caring for what? Enacting repair as care : a comparative repairing ethnography in Da ...
African Studies Association ASA, Virtual
Ntapanta, Samwel Moses
Revaluing E-waste : Material Appropriation, Circularity, and temporal Negotiation in Dar Es Sal ...
EASST/4S 2020 Conference, Prague, virtually
Ntapanta, Samwel Moses
COVID-19 and the Toilet Paper Hoarding : Dealing with Waste in a Time of Crisis
In: Communitas
25. Mai 2020 ...

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social and Cultural Anthropology with focus on Africa
Dr. Samwel Moses Ntapanta
Senior Research Associate
University of Bayreuth
Building: Haus 4, 4.4.12a
Nürnbergerstr. 38
D-95447 Bayreuth
Telefon: +49 (0)921 / 55-4134