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Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Professur für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie mit Fokus Afrika – Prof. Dr. Andrea Behrends

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14th European Summer School for the Anthropology of Development and Social Dynamics


From 24 -26 May 2023 the “European Summer School for the Anthropology of Development and Social Dynamics” took place in Bayreuth. This European summer school is an intensive seminar for doctoral students to exchange and discuss, organized and hosted every two years by one of the network’s participating research institutions and universities. Since 1997, it has offered an interdisciplinary forum of exchange to young and senior scholars working on topics linked to development and dynamics of change.

This year Bayreuth hosted forty-two scholars (PhD candidates and their supervisors) from various European universities: Université de Bordeaux (France), EHESS Marseille (France), University of Edinburgh (UK), KU Leuven (Belgium), Université de Liège (Belgium), Université de Louvain (Belgium), Uppsala Universitet (Sweden),Universität Leipzig (Germany) and Universität Bayreuth (Germany).

Twenty-four PhD candidates took part and presented their work. Each of them received two elaborated comments from the senior scholars and had time for an open discussion and conversation with the audience. We had three days of exchanging our thoughts, encountering different disciplines with insights into fascinating works during wonderful and courageous presentations, joint walks, and coffee breaks filled with inspiring conversations. And besides all that we visited the Botanical Garden, the University Campus, and the city of Bayreuth, laughed together, enjoyed the summer temperatures, and practiced our bilingual English and French language skills.

In 2025, the next edition of the summer school will take place in Belgium, organized jointly by the KU Leuven and the Université de Louvain – we are very much looking forward to that!

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