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Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Professur für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie mit Fokus Afrika – Prof. Dr. Andrea Behrends

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Saskia Jaschek

Saskia's research interests are Political Subjectivation, Political Emotions, Narratives and Identities of Social Movements, Dynamics of Street Protests, Practices of Resistance. Geographically, Saskia focuses on Sudan.

Saskia Jaschek

Scientific Career

  • 2019: M.A., Rehabilitation Science, University of Cologne
  • 2016: B.A., Rehabilitation Science and English, Humboldt-University of Berlin

Work Experience

  • Since October 2018: Project Development, Tatort Zukunft e.V.
  • 2013 – 2019: Individual case assistance and psychosocial support

Ph.D. Project

Preliminary working title: What makes for a Revolution? - Subjectivations of Resistance within Sudan’s revolutionary movement

This project engages with Sudan’s revolutionary movement and their resistance to a military coup d’état. In December 2018, riots broke out in different areas of Sudan, quickly forming powerful protests that led to the overthrow of a 30-year-long dictatorship. A transitional government was created with the hope of a democratic transition. On October 25, 2021, the military staged a coup d’état and dissolved the transitional government. On the same day, protests broke out, and the resistance movement was revived.

This project explores the formation of political subjectivities within the practices of resistance over a year of fighting a military coup. What are the subjective and ambient conditions for continuous resistance? Which affects and emotions emerge through counteraction, and how are they linked to the evolvement of resistant subject forms?

This project is supposed to make an empirical contribution to understanding impulses leading to protests, their intersubjective dynamics, and the diverse practices of this enactment. It aims to contribute to the analyses of street protests, the role of embodied togetherness, and the relevance of emotions in this process.

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Janine Nagat

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